Our team

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dr. Sabine Hanusch has extensive experience in management consulting and has taught information and supply chain management at university level. She is a co-founder of the pewag academy that she presides over today.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Raphael Bischof worked in an engineering firm for several years, where he gained extensive knowledge in areas such as evaluation processes and further education and training of staff in safety-technical aspects. At the pewag academy, he is responsible for education management.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Together with the product managers, Stephan Schmidt develops new courses, topics and concepts. Prior to joining pewag academy, he held several positions in the printing and media industry.

Das Team der pewag academy

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Hanusch hat jahrelange Erfahrungen im Bereich Managementberatung und war Hochschulprofessorin für Informationsmanagement und Supply Chain Management. Als Mitgründerin der pewag academy obliegt Ihr die Leitung.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Ing. Raphael Bischof hat durch seine jahrelange Tätigkeit in einem Ingenieurbüro viel Erfahrung in den Bereichen Prüfwesen und sicherheitstechnische Aus- und Weiterbildung von Personen gewinnen können. In der pewag academy ist er für das Ausbildungsmanagement zuständig.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Stephan Schmidt entwickelt gemeinsam mit Produktmanagern der pewag group neue Kurse, Themen und Konzepte. Vor seinem Einstieg in die pewag academy hat er in unterschiedlichen Positionen in der Druck- und Medienbranche gearbeitet.

Our team

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dr. Sabine Hanusch has extensive experience in management consulting and has taught information and supply chain management at university level. She is a co-founder of the pewag academy that she presides over today.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Raphael Bischof worked in an engineering firm for several years, where he gained extensive knowledge in areas such as evaluation processes and further education and training of staff in safety-technical aspects. At the pewag academy, he is responsible for education management.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Together with the product managers, Stephan Schmidt develops new courses, topics and concepts. Prior to joining pewag academy, he held several positions in the printing and media industry.

Our team

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dr. Sabine Hanusch has extensive experience in management consulting and has taught information and supply chain management at university level. She is a co-founder of the pewag academy that she presides over today.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Raphael Bischof worked in an engineering firm for several years, where he gained extensive knowledge in areas such as evaluation processes and further education and training of staff in safety-technical aspects. At the pewag academy, he is responsible for education management.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Together with the product managers, Stephan Schmidt develops new courses, topics and concepts. Prior to joining pewag academy, he held several positions in the printing and media industry.

Our team

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dr. Sabine Hanusch has extensive experience in management consulting and has taught information and supply chain management at university level. She is a co-founder of the pewag academy that she presides over today.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Raphael Bischof worked in an engineering firm for several years, where he gained extensive knowledge in areas such as evaluation processes and further education and training of staff in safety-technical aspects. At the pewag academy, he is responsible for education management.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Together with the product managers, Stephan Schmidt develops new courses, topics and concepts. Prior to joining pewag academy, he held several positions in the printing and media industry.

Our team

Das Team der pewag academy

Sabine Hanusch Manager pewag academy
Dr. Sabine Hanusch has extensive experience in management consulting and has taught information and supply chain management at university level. She is a co-founder of the pewag academy that she presides over today.

Raphael Bischof Education Manager
Raphael Bischof worked in an engineering firm for several years, where he gained extensive knowledge in areas such as evaluation processes and further education and training of staff in safety-technical aspects. At the pewag academy, he is responsible for education management.

Stefan Schmidt Course Manager
Together with the product managers, Stephan Schmidt develops new courses, topics and concepts. Prior to joining pewag academy, he held several positions in the printing and media industry.